A To C cup

Breast Augmentation 3 - C Cup


This young lady (pre-operative image inset) presented with relatively little breast tissue pre-operatively desiring a small to medium "C" result. A submuscular peri-areolar approach was used to place round saline-filled implants. Her small areolae made this more difficult than usual, but certainly not impossible. The image shows the patient 7 months following the procedure. The moderate-sized implant here fills out the cleavage nicely



  • Before: "A" cup
  • After: Mid "C" cup
  • Operative Design: 400 cc round smooth implant placed in the submuscular position via a periareolar approach. Notice that this is a similar size to those placed in the previous examples. Implant volumes mean little between patients. Don't concentrate upon them.

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� Orange County California Plastic Surgeon John Di Saia, MD