A- To B cup

Breast Augmentation 2 - Small C Cup


This thin young lady (pre-operative image inset) presented with minimal breast tissue pre-operatively desiring a large "B"-small "C" result. A submuscular peri-areolar approach was used to place round saline-filled implants. This image shows the patient 6 months following the procedure. The only real "downside" to placing smaller implants is a relative lack of cleavage (relative to using a larger implant). Then again, in this patient's case, a larger implant would have lended to a frankly foreign appearance, as she had relatively little of her own tissue to cover the implant. She also desired a smaller ultimate cup size for personal reasons.



  • Before: Less than an "A" cup
  • After: Mid "B" cup
  • Operative Design: 300 cc round smooth implant placed in the submuscular position via a periareolar approach. Notice that this is a similar size to that placed in the last example. Implant volumes mean little between patients. Don't concentrate upon them.

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Update 9/26/01 - I heard from the patient and she writes:
I still love the results of your/my surgery! :-)
She is nearly five years out now. Just an FYI.

� Orange County California Plastic Surgeon John Di Saia, MD