Before Surgery
Nasal Skin Cancer Wound Plastic Surgery Repair Example
Skin Cancer Removal and Repair at 6 Weeks
6 Weeks Later
This gentleman was referred by his dermatologist after a moderate-sized skin cancer ws removed from the tip of his nose. In this case, the tissues were mobilized and the defect was repaired.

At 6 weeks, he has an excellent repair. It is rare that we are actually able to improve the nasal contour with a skin cancer repair. Usually we are focussed on limiting the deformity.

  • Before: Nasal Defect From Skin Cancer Removal By Dermatologist.
  • After: Defect Repaired With Excellent Cosmetic Result.
  • Operative Design: This case was performed in the office with just local anesthesia. The patient's insurance covered the surgery.

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© John Di Saia, M.D.