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Dr John Di Saia, an orange county california plastic surgeon

Liposuction Defined

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is an operation somewhat similar to sculpting in which fat is removed through small incisions using modified tubes. It works well for fine tuning body shape when the skin lying over the area is pretty "tight" and reasonably elastic and there is a certain minimum amount of fat present. We can't remove that which is not there. :) There are a number of techniques involving ultrasound and heat that are used to break up the fat as opposed to traditional tumescent lipo in which the fat is whittled away. Some of these "advanced techniques" can lead to "over-suctioning" or removing too much fat which can put some dents in your curves. Pictures of several Hollywood celebrities on the blogs recently have demonstrated this amply. :)

Liposuction is not weight loss. Patients within a stable weight range are the best candidates. Patients who gain or lose more than a small amount of weight afterward can change the result. Unless this weight change is dramatic, the result tends to change only slightly fortunately.

With all this being said, our philosophy is to remove fat conservatively such that our patients do not look "surgical."


© John Di Saia, MD... an Orange County California Plastic Surgeon       

Serving Southern California since 1997 * (949) 369-5932


Please note that this resource is offered freely to individuals considering liposuction. No rights are granted and it is not to be reprinted or copied without the author's prior written consent. Understand that some of the information presented may be a matter of professional opinion. Although efforts have been made to assure accuracy, no guarantees are expressed or implied.