Before Tummy Tuck
Before Surgery

Extended Modified High Lateral Tension Tummy Tuck

Extended High Lateral Tension Tummy Tuck After 5 Weeks
5 Weeks
Extended High Lateral Tension Tummy Tuck After 7 Months
7 Months
This woman presented with a history of very large weight loss (85 pounds) with rge excesses in skin but little loosened muscle. The patient wanted correctino but also wanted to preserve her option for later childbirth. So her operation was modified to include no muscle tightening.

At 5 weeks following surgery, the wound healing is coming along well. She had an extended scar that took a year to mature, but she was very happy with her improvement at 7 months.

  • Before: Large Abdominal and Flank Skin Excess With Mild Muscular Laxity 
  • After: Improved Abdominal and Flank Contour 
  • Operative Design: A Modified High Lateral Tension Tummy Tuck was performed through a lower abdominal incision that extended toward the flanks. The excess skin was removed. An Umbilicoplasty was performed to provide a natural depression above and below the "belly button."

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© 2000 John Di Saia MD - Orange County California