Before Surgery
Facial Skin Cancer Removal and Flap Repair Example
Skin Cancer Removal and Repair at 1 Year
1 Year Later
This gentleman came to consultation with a large skin cancer over his right cheek. At surgery, the cancer was removed and the tissues around it were mobilized and moved into the defect.

At 1 year later, he has an excellent cosmetic result and the cancer has not returned. The patient required no further care from our office at this point.

  • Before: Large Skin Cancer Over the Right Cheek.
  • After: Cancer Removed and Defect Repaired With Excellent Cosmetic Result.
  • Operative Design: The patient's cancer was removed and the local tissues were moved into the defect under a general anesthetic as an outpatient at the Surgical Facility. The patient's insurance covered the surgery.

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© John Di Saia, M.D.