John Di Saia, M.D. 

My cosmetic surgery private practice runs on a basic philosophy of personal commitment. I am committed to providing my patients the best possible outcome.

This starts from the moment I meet you. I take the time to determine the issues that matter the most to you.

First we explore the possibility. Not everyone is well suited to cosmetic surgery. A "surgically-addressable" physical issue and realistic expectations are important. This takes time to determine. I do not run a "chop shop."

If surgery seems good for you, then we discuss how we might approach it. Not everyone benefits from the same surgery. I tailor your procedure to you.

We assess your health and if need be get a health assessment from your regular physician before proceeding.

Surgery is not rushed. I deliberately schedule fewer cases to have the time to pay attention to the details. Your post-operative time with me is not hurried either. I see you in the office for several months on average after your operation.

My friends have called my practice "a high end body shop for women." In a sense they are correct. I wouldn't have it any other way. You will not find a higher quality practice anywhere.

I look forward to meeting you.

John Di Saia MD
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

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©1996 John Di Saia, MD... an Orange County California Plastic Surgeon       Dr John Di Saia, an orange county california plastic surgeon